Target Audience Research Questionnaire
-My genre I have chosen for my music magazine is R&B. examples of R&B music artists are JLS, Jason Durulo, Rihanna, Lionel Richie, Rita Ora and Nicole Scherzinger.-My Magazine will be designed for a mainstream audience as most of the British people listen to R&B-My magazine will be be similar to most other magazines, except my magazine will have more detail and stories. Not just any random stories, the best stories from around the world.-As most people who listen to to R&B are teenagers, it will probably be best to aim the magazine at teenagers as they are more likely to buy it that anyone else.-Singers will want there stories in my magazine because it will be sold to all there listeners. This means more people will buy the product when they see that there favorite singer is on the front cover. for example, if a JLS fan walked pasta magazine with JLS on the front, they are more likely to buy it than those who don't like JLS.
Q1:What genre of music do you listen to?R&B Pop Rock Jazz Other
Q2:Do you read any music magazines already?Yes No
Q3:If so, what magazine?
NME Q Kerrang Other
Q4:Do you enjoy reading music magazines?
Yes No
Q5:What is the first thing you look for in a magazine?
Pictures Information Style Other
Q6: Who is you favourite siger?
Jay Z Rihanna Jason Durulo JLS Other
Q7: What do you think the most eye catching colour is?
Blue Purple Red Yellow Green Black White Orange Pink
Q8: Do you prefer to read articles in magazines or online?
Magazine Online
Q9: How much would you pay for a good quality music magazine?
0-99p £1-£1.99 £2-£2.99 £3-£3.99 £4-£4.99
Q10: What do you like to see on the front of a magazine?
Picture Information Headlines
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