Thursday, 7 November 2013

Brand identity and values for my music magazine

Brand Identity is crucial for the success of a magazine. Brand Identity is all the features of the magazine put together to make a brand. When you see the Mcdonalds logo, you think of nice food and good service. This is because they have developed a very good/strong brand Identity. To gain the most sales, you need a good brand identity otherwise know one will know who the company is and how good the magazine is.

Definition: How all the elements of the visual appearance of the product contribute to distinguish the overall brand.
Questionnaire Analysis: I am still awaiting my results to my questionnaire. The analysis at the end will determine details like, Target Market, Colour Scheme/house style, Age range and genre.
I have gone for the genre R&B as there is no magazine that puts all focus to this genre. This genre has many fans and has many people wanting to know more. That is where my magazine will come in. I want my magazine to be seen as modern and visual. I want to attract my customers through the pictures and interviews over my information. (this could change after results of questionnaire).
A massive part to the success of a magazine is how unique/original it is. If there are many magazine like it in the market, people are going to stay with the well known brands rather than change to a new unproven one.
Overall I have decided I want my magazine to be based on the R&B genre, I would also like it to be modern and unique. many other factors can be determined ounce I have results from questionnaire.

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