Monday, 11 November 2013

Final Questionnaire

Q1: What age range are you in? 10-16 [ ]
17-21 [ ]
22-30 [ ]
31-40 [ ]
41-50 [ ]
51+ [ ]

 Q2:What gender are you?
Male [ ]
Female [ ]

Q3: What section of the jicnar scale are you most likely to be a part of?
 Group A (Professionals) Upper middle class, e.g. Barristers, Doctors, Executives [ ]
 Group B (Managerial) Middle class, e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers [ ]
 Group C1 (Non-Manual) Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office Workers [ ]
 Group C2 (Manual) Skilled working class, Blue collar workers, e.g. Car Mechanic, Machine operators, Construction workers [ ]
 Group D (Partly Skilled) Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line worker [ ]
 Group E (Unskilled) Casual workers, dependent on state benefits, students [ ]

 Q4: What feature on the front cover encourages you to buy a magazine?
Main headline [ ]
 Brand logo [ ] Main picture [ ]
 Interviews advertised [ ]
Articles Advertised [ ]
Other(please enter other)--------------------- [ ]

Q5: What music magazine do you buy at the moment?
 NME [ ]
XXL [ ]
Vibe [ ]
Kerrang [ ]
 Q [ ] Uncut [ ]
 Mojo [ ]
Clash [ ]
Uncut [ ]
Other: --------------------- [ ]

Q6: Do you prefer to buy magazines through subscription or whenever suits you?
 Subscription [ ]
Whenever suits you [ ]

 Q7: What is your favorite colour? ------------------------------------------

 Q8: Which Magazine style do you prefer?

What do you expect from a magazine?
New music                                      [ ]
Music news                                     [ ]
Upcoming events                            [ ]
Interviews and letters from singers [ ]
Music reviews                                 [ ]

What artist do you listen to at the moment?

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